The character education program

Transform your existing school culture into an emotionally intelligent learning environment.

What is All Things E.Q.?

All Things E.Q. (Emotional Quotient) is a character education program that transforms school culture and prepares students to “show up” positively to achieve academic success in school.

Our weekly messages create a shared vocabulary on campus because they include the entire school and are also sent to parents.

A Gallup Poll shows, All Things E.Q. increases student engagement and on-campus feelings of hope & well-being. An Independent four-year study showed with statistical significance that All Things E.Q. raised ELA & Math Scores on State Assessments, increased attendance, and decreased student discipline referrals in both frequency and severity.

There are many programs available to schools. However, few programs connect emotional skills to learning. All Things E.Q. supports academics and is aligned with the mission and purpose of schools.

What All Things E.Q. is Not

  • All Things E.Q. does not partner with any corporation(s) or not-for-profits, nor do we have any political affiliations or funding.
  • All Things E.Q. does not teach Critical Race Theory, religious or sex education.
  • All Things E.Q. encourages critical thinking rather than blind obedience. We ask questions rather than dictate rules.
  • All Things E.Q. is transparent. Each week we send parents the motto for the week with our key insights, so parents get the same information as their students.
  • All Things E.Q. improves academic learning rather than impedes learning. See results of a four-year comparative study of the program's effects on academics and attendance.

What You Need To Know About All Things E.Q.

Summary of 4 Year Study of ATEQ’s Program Results

ELA Scores

The improvement in ELA scores at the ATEQ school were statistically significant to a 95% confidence interval. Results of regression model comparison demonstrated that ATEQ was the best predictor of higher academic scores, when compared to models that included different demographic variables.

ATEQ ELA School Growth: 2.39 to 2.66 and Other School: 2.11 to 2.16

Math Scores

Examination of Math assessment scores also demonstrated significant growth with an interaction effect showing longer participation in ATEQ program yielding higher scores on the state math assessment.

ATEQ Math School Growth: 2.58 to 2.71 and Other School scores decreased from: 2.109 to 2.106

Behavior Data

Student discipline referrals decreased in both number and severity.A Gallup Poll showed a ten-point increase after a year of implementation in each of the three categories: Student Engagement, Campus-Wide Well-Being, and Hope.

78% of students with prior behavioral incidents had no further incidents while using ATEQ program.

ATEQ's Impact on Attendance


Attendance at the ATEQ school increased significantly over the four-year period studied as can be seen in the chart.

How We Help


Students benefit from the weekly insights and enjoy the program. Watching students take ownership in their school and coming to class with a purpose is incredible. It doesn’t happen overnight, but the culture shifts from “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I help?” and that shift occurs faster when the school has positive student role models on campus.


Teacher’s appreciate the weekly support ATEQ provides. The consistency of the program makes it easy to implement. Teachers love how All Thing’s E.Q. changes the way students “show up” in their classroom! Teachers rated All Things E.Q. with a 4.29 (Very Good to Excellent) out of 5 (Excellent) in terms of ease of use and implementation.


Parents appreciate being included in the weekly insights and getting the information at the same time as their students. ATEQ earned a 95% approval rating in a parent satisfaction survey. All Things E.Q. weekly parent insights were rated with a 4.44 (Very Good to Excellent) out of 5 (Excellent) in terms of creating a positive school community.


We assist Principals by reducing referrals, improving campus culture, strengthening school home connection and providing teachers, students, parents and staff with the E.Q. skills needed to work successfully in a challenging environment. We help students apply their E.Q. skills to their learning. We help students take advantage of the opportunities their school provides.

Why All Things E.Q. is Working in Schools

Works With Your Existing Culture

One size does not fit all. There is no reason to lose all your current momentum and start again. All Things EQ will help you merge the work you have done to continue the momentum you have built. If you have written core values, or are an IB School we work with you to bring cohesion to your school.

Immediate, Measurable Results

Simple, layered lessons have immediate real world application and sustainable results. 78% of students who were on a behavior contract prior to All Things E.Q. were able to improve their situation once the school adopted All Things E.Q. and did not need any additional behavior contracts.

Leadership Development

Leadership skills are often taught to students, but rarely are students given opportunities to actually lead and develop these skills. Our E.Q. Ambassador program provides students with real leadership opportunities. Not only will these skills last a lifetime, but they also create a caring school community where the younger students say, "The big kids are nice here!


Programs are developed in isolation, without school collaboration.

  • Inflated startup costs with expensive yearly subscriptions that drain a schools resources
  • Requires lengthly professional development
  • Creates too much new work
  • Trains, drains and ditches the schools who invested in their programs


A digital platform that includes teachers, students, parents and staff.

  • No startup costs with low yearly subscription
  • A digital platform that is easy to implement
  • Teachers participate, they don't plan
  • Ongoing daily, weekly support and a program that grows with your school year after year

What people say about All Things E.Q.

A 2016 Gallup Poll showed a ten point increase after a year of implementation in student engagement, campus wide well-being and hope.

Read testimonials from the actual users of our system.

What Principals Say

We are so grateful for All Things EQ's Tier 1 and 2 support. Danna is always available to provide our staff with Tier 2 interventions when we need them—and they work! Our Tier 2 data is improving due to ATEQ's lessons and collaboration with our teachers.

Theresa Milks

Principal Norterra Canyon

Danna Evans has impacted Arrowhead Elementary through All Things E.Q. in a big way and we have the data to prove it. According to the Gallup Poll hope, engagement, and well being have increased by ten points and our referrals have decreased in number and severity.

Vivian Hunt

Principal Arrowhead Elementary

All Things E.Q. has been an incredible school-wide solution. Our culture is positive and productive and everyone is able to connect and communicate as emotionally intelligent individuals. Not only do we better serve our students, but we better serve ourselves when we use positive self-talk and have a higher E.Q. The best part about All Things E.Q. is that it is a living, digital program. Danna really listens and adjusts the insights so they serve our exact community. Her willingness to improve the program, hear our feedback and make adjustments as we implemented it our first year brought us an even better program for the following year. I was already happy with the original program and excited to implement it the following year, so I was blown away by how much Danna improved the program and matched it specifically to our needs the following year. Becoming an All Things E.Q. school was a great decision for us and I have even recommended Danna to be a keynote speaker for a meeting in our district. All Things E.Q. serves more than the students, it serves the entire organization!

Jennifer Minor, M.Ed

Principal Legend Springs Elementary

I am so impressed with what All Things E.Q. has done for New River Elementary. Not only do our 6th graders enjoy being E.Q. Ambassadors, but our office referrals have decreased dramatically this year. Which I think is due to the systemic nature of All Things E.Q. and how easy it is to implement in our school, without placing a burden on our staff. The daily messages inspire students and they work! I highly recommend All Things E.Q

Dr. Tennille

Principal of New River Elementary

This year, our school has been utilizing the All Things E.Q. program to enhance our citizenship instruction and provide our students with additional perspectives on what it means to be positive, happy, and successful. Each week, students watch a quick video which serves as a springboard for discussion about how students can create a positive learning environment for themselves and their classmates. Also, every morning, we make an announcement which serves to get students thinking about themselves and their learning environments. Here was today’s announcement: “Don’t spend time today being unhappy about things you can’t change, like the fact that it is Monday or that you have homework. If you can’t change the situation, change the way you think about it. Instead of thinking ‘I don’t like Mondays’, find something positive about today and make sure to focus on that.” Sometimes I think we underestimate the importance of positive thinking. When kids come to school with negative attitudes and perspectives, it can make learning (and teaching) much more challenging. At Sonoran Sky, we always want to do our best to be upbeat and positive with what we do. Thank you, All Things E.Q. for helping us with that mission.

Mr. Dawson

Principal Sonoran Sky Elementary

Danna was a delightful, encouraging, and incredibly relatable speaker during our recent SEED SPOT Women's Entrepreneurship Boot Camp. She shared insightful personal stories and offered actionable takeaways to our group regarding how to overcome self-doubt and actually enjoy the ever challenging entrepreneurial journey. Poised and engaging, Danna seamlessly navigated an unexpected fire drill during her presentation, calming the nerves of the room and infusing humor into the entire experience!

Lauren McDanell

Director of Entrepreneur Initiatives

Our staff has had nothing but positive things to say about your presentation and about the EQ philosophy as a whole. Thank you for bringing such a positive, honest, motivating energy to all of us. All Things E.Q. is so easy to implement and having the whole school using EQ to create a positive learning community has been a game changer. Everyone is developing their own EQ and the weekly motto and insights are integrated into the classrooms so students can apply these skills to their academic learning. Again, HUGE thanks!

Carrie Mabee

Principal of Stetson Hills

We were so thrilled with the results we received from the All Things E.Q. leadership series our staff participated in this year. We made a 50% increase in targeted areas over the year before and we could see, feel and measure the positive difference the insights made with our staff. When we ask so much of our teachers, it's so important to find something that fuels them, rather than drains them!

Tara LeCount

Principal of Diamond Canyon

What Teachers Say

All Things EQ is an amazing tool that helps students to develop their social and emotional skills. This is not just another 'boxed curriculum' added to a teacher's plate. All Things EQ provides very accessible resources for teachers every step of the way. My students have changed the way they show up to school and how they act in various social situations all because of the scaffolding All Things EQ provides. It builds with the social-emotional guidance that all students need! Danna has created a system that makes teaching these skills so easy to implement and natural to maintain in the classroom and school community. All Things EQ has made all of my students successful in expanding their emotional quotient, and it shows every day!

Jessica Kissinger

6th Grade ELA and Social Studies New River Elementary School

All Things E.Q. shares valuable messages with our students regarding effort, which is so important in this day and age. In our world of instant EVERYTHING, kids expect everything to happen immediately, even their learning. We need to help kids understand that all learning takes time and practice. Understanding the value of working through confusion, persevering and making an honest effort not only helps our kids throughout their school years, but these are skills that will help them throughout their entire life. I believe in the All Things E.Q. program with my whole heart.

Glenda Patterson, M.Ed, CAGS

School Psychologist

My 2nd graders have truly learned to recognize when and how to adjust their body position for optimal learning. Sometimes we need to stand, other times we need to sit tall for the best focus. It's amazing to see the kids self regulate.

Mrs. Brown

2nd Grade Teacher

The “All Things E.Q.” program is an excellent opportunity for our school culture in all grade levels. The younger students will learn the basics steps and the language used in this program. As they move up in grade levels they will eventually have the opportunity to be E.Q. Ambassadors in this program as our 6th graders will be doing this year. The best part of this whole program is that all humans are acknowledged and will feel they are a part of a positive culture. This program will provide them with communication skills that will benefit them as they become productive members of society. As a current 3rd grade teacher this “All Things EQ” program will enhance my classroom management, and for that reason I will be using the program so my students will all feel that they are somebody. As stated in a poster from the program “Together Everyone Achieves More”, I truly believe when students work together we are more successful in all aspects of our lives.


3rd Grade Teacher

All Things, E.Q. teaches practical ways to create a learning community where everyone is actively engaged in respecting and supporting one another, so that as human beings, everyone feels refreshing that our students will grow up to perpetuate this emotionally healthy behavior in their future individual and group relationships!

Judi Cotner

Special Education

Danna's (All Things, E.Q.) presentation helped me realize aspects of my teaching that need to change so the students will be more successful. Her simple method will reap myriad benefits in the future.


4th Grade Teacher

I spent the morning learning from Danna in an E.Q. professional development. I am currently a few months away from obtaining my Master's in Instructional Design and Technology, so watching and learning from Danna is especially inspiring for me. She continues to impress me every time I get the opportunity to learn from her. She brings a sense of positivity to the campus that I greatly appreciate. Her method of using humor and pulling a room to her attention using mixed methods is like no one I have ever seen. She is truly a professional in her field. She sticks to the content she comes to present, starts right on time, and ends right on time. She respects everyone in the room and assures everyone respects others as well. I would love to see what she can do with a group of students! I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the All Things, E.Q. program and Danna!


Kindergarten Teacher

Danna is truly an amazing and motivational speaker. Her (All Things, E.Q.) workshop was exactly what we (teachers) needed! She understands what it is like to be a teacher. She doesn't give you more "work", but rather teaches you how to use what you have. She is amazing and the staff always looks forward to seeing her. Thanks Danna!!!

Josie Stewart, M.Ed.

Arrowhead Elementary Kindergarten Teacher

Thank you so much for the time you spent with us this morning! I appreciate ways to "change it up" every year and this is the answer to my prayers. The ideas presented were great and are easily adapted to my classroom culture as it doesn't require me to prepare anything! I agree that we really need to remember and drive home that we are all human (administrators, students, teachers, and parents). On Curriculum Night, I plan on sharing some of your concepts with my students and parents to let them know what will be the norm. I am looking forward to you showing and helping me become a better teacher!

With Excitement, Lorelei Andrade

2nd Grade Teacher

Thank you so much for making All Things E.Q. so easy and ready to implement for our staff and the community we serve! The techniques of your program are highly effective and will make our students better human beings. I am looking forward to our school becoming more of a T.E.A.M. as we work together to provide a positive atmosphere and a welcoming environment for students to learn. You bring such a refreshing touch to education.

Nancy Holly

Reading Specialist Arrowhead Elementary

The “All Things EQ” program is an excellent opportunity for our school culture in all grade levels. The younger students will learn the basics steps and the language used in this program. As they move up in grade levels they will eventually have the opportunity to be ambassadors in this program as our 6th graders will be doing this year. The best part of this whole program is that all humans are acknowledged and will feel they are a part of a positive culture. This program will provide them with communication skills that will benefit them as they become productive members of society. As a current 3rd grade teacher this “All Things EQ” program will enhance my classroom management, and for that reason I will be using the program so my students will all feel that they are somebody. As stated in a poster from the program “Together Everyone Achieves More”, I truly believe when students work together we are more successful in all aspects of our lives.


3rd Grade Teacher

Danna presented an incredible and informative training (All Things, E.Q.) at Arrowhead Elementary this morning. I had a chance to speak with her before and after her presentation. She is so experienced, knowledgeable, and has such a winning personality! She is great and, after her lesson to our staff, I am equipped with great ideas for teaching this year and I am motivated to start now!! Superior work - superior teacher!

Steve McAllister

Arrowhead Elementary General Music and Choir Teacher Arizona State University Professor of Trombone (Jazz)

Danna is a motivational speaker who makes you feel like she understands you because she does. She has actually been a classroom teacher who shares great ideas that can be implemented without any prep work.

Lori Nemeth

4th grade teacher

I have learned "doable" practices from Danna Evans. Her program is on target with teachers and students. Each time Danna visits our campus, I learn something new to put into practice the next day. I look forward to another visit from Danna. She is wonderful.

Melanie Warren

Arrowhead Elementary School

Danna's presentation was interesting, motivating, and inspirational. Her ideas will be very easy to implement and will help every faculty member and student on campus. Her presentation exemplified what a positive, safe, and encouraging campus should look like. I believe that Arrowhead elementary school will benefit greatly from her.


3rd grade teacher

Mrs. Evans brought All Things E.Q. to our school after really listening to our needs. I was impressed with her classroom management and the active involvement she brought out in my kiddos. This material enhanced the culture in our classroom. I think this material will continue to aid these kids as they become productive and happy adults! Not to mention, how much it helped me!

Kristin VanDusen

Self- Contained Gifted Teacher Sonoran Sky Elementary

All Things E.Q. has been very helpful and positive for our students. The students learn essential life skills all year and then apply those skills as leaders on campus as EQ Ambassadors. My students truly enjoy being EQ Ambassadors and benefit from the opportunity!

Mr. Matheson

Sixth grade Teacher

What Parents Say

Thank you All Things E.Q. for the weekly emails. I really enjoy them and often print them out and share them with the kids and husband.


High School Parent

I wanted to say thank you and even send some encouragement that what is being taught is being heard. Earlier this week, my daughter came to me and told me that her friends were gossiping about another friend and she was feeling uncomfortable in the situation. She said how earlier that day she was taught how to handle that situation. At first she tried to change the subject and eventually she left the conversation. She felt empowered to do the right thing and not be led by the peer pressure. I’m thankful for this program being taught at school because at home we try to raise our kids to be kind, loving and speak the truth humbly to themselves and others and am grateful because it reinforces and gives tools for our children to be successful in how they can navigate through life’s many trials.


Parent from Legend Springs

My daughter attends an All Things E.Q. school. I am so appreciative for this wonderful, insightful program. I have thoroughly enjoyed receiving the helpful emails and have saved a number of them for future reference. All Things E.Q. has been the perfect compass for the times when I have needed a little extra guidance in this journey we call Parenthood. I think this is a great program for kids and adults. Thank you All Things E.Q. for making a positive impact.

Beyond grateful, Jen Rhorer


All Things E.Q. has made a big difference in my parenting style. I really like the All Things E.Q platform and the emails are so fun to get! My son was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and we have been struggling with homework and school in general all year. The things you talk about in the All Things E.Q. emails have helped tremendously.

Thanks for all you do, Melissa McConaghly


Danna! I can't thank you enough for coming to talk with my daughters dance group. All the girls came away with such positive messages. My daughter went through the entire lesson with my son and I and we have pictures to prove it all over my kitchen. It's opportunities like these to hear how every group, dance, baseball or Girl Scouts, etc can all benefit and learn to be supportive and work as a team! Hats off to you and EQ for bringing that discussion alive!

All the best!! Whitney


I just love this (Quarter 1 Week 3 - Body Language) lesson! Another plus is that good posture is healthy to your core. It not only speaks outwards it speaks inwards. You have stronger core muscles, your digestive system works better, sitting or standing with good posture makes a healthier and happier person. Thank you for this lesson...I love having "back up"! (pun intended!)

Shellye Skotnick


It was so great seeing you in real life and not just on Facebook! You were an excellent speaker at our National Charity League meeting today. Even my 14 year old thought you were very inspiring and interesting... and you KNOW how difficult it can be to please a teen!


Mom of two teen girls!

Loved, loved your video tonight at Parent Orientation. I am so excited for this program to continue. We are so lucky to have you in our school. All Things EQ is amazing and you should be so proud of the difference you are making in so many lives!

Marni Gerber


Danna is an amazing teacher, business woman, and a beautiful person inside and out. She not only teaches brilliantly but lives what she teaches in her own life. She genuinely cares about her students and it shows when you see the kids she has worked with beaming after she has spent a moment with them.

Kathy Denton


We were so happy we had the opportunity to have Danna Evans speak with our National Charity League Chapter, here in Arizona. Teenage girls can be a difficult group to generate feedback from and they all spoke very highly about Danna’s presentation and the messages in All Things E.Q. Danna had the girls engaged and participating in the presentation. Both the girls and the moms felt it was a successful presentation. We would like to have Danna return and share more with our chapter in the future.

Kim Moore

Chapter Leader National Charity League

My children, are at an All Things E.Q. school and are being taught how to best raise their EQ simply by being reassured that who they are matters. What parent wouldn't want this for their child? When your children leave your care, most parents want nothing more than for them to be cared about by others nearly as much as they are within their home environment. It all starts w/in themselves. "All Things EQ" teaches them how to be their best self. The program is primarily structured around four main questions: 1) Am I being kind & helpful in this situation? 2) Am I using positive self-talk? 3) Do I recognize the human in everyone? 4) Am I focusing on solutions instead of problems? School-Home Communication is essential, and parents can opt-in to receive weekly emails about the lessons being taught at school. Via these emails, it is quite apparent that Danna Evans, the program's creator, is passionate about helping schools help kids. One of the first emails sent home was about practicing "flexing your optimism muscle" by asking yourself, "Do you KNOW what part of today you are going to enjoy?" This simple question sets children up to look forward to one or more parts of their day. When that time comes, w/in their school day, they are more "Present" b/c they've been looking forward to it and set that as their personal "KNOWledge" for the day. As the lessons progress, the participants are taught about positive body language in school and how to truly "BE" as well as many other life-long lessons. Quite frankly, it's hard to find a personal favorite as they're all completely 100% beneficial. Having a common language at home to what's being taught at school has been completely helpful. In times of "crankiness", it's been quite effective to simply ask my children, "Are you being a part of the solution or the problem?" It stops them in their tracks and helps them reconsider their reactions/responses. Today, w/ the help of technology, children tend to have more of an instantaneous gratification mentality rather than delayed. It's become a hurried lifestyle w/ less heart-to-heart interaction than in the past. It's SO important not to lose sight of our humanity..."BE"ing Human. I, strongly, feel that "All Things EQ" is a program that needs to be presented at all schools for our children's future and our's!

Denise Lieberthal

Parent at Sonoran Sky Elementary

Growing up is hard. We need all the help we can get! (All Things E.Q.'s Team Building Workshop) has a lot of good, common sense advice that children, at this stage, need to be reminded of! It's the kind of talk parents would have with their kids… but goes further and has more of an impact when it comes from an outside/expert source like Danna.

Nicole McGregor


What Students Say

I like being an EQ Ambassador because I actaully get to lead. I help students and do real leadership.

5th Grade

EQ Ambassador at Desert Sage Elementary

“Learning about ways to raise my Emotional Quotient has changed me because now I focus on the solution rather than the problem.”

Legend Springs


I changed my self-talk and now I am more involved, ask more questions and know what to do.


Arrowhead Elementary Student

Learning about raising my EQ has changed me in the following way. Now, when I catch myself having of a negative thought, I have learned to “say goodbye!

Sydney Cupisz


E.Q. Ambassadors know how to stop gossip and prevent someone from getting hurt.


6th Grade Student

Let me start off by saying, I used to HATE doing the dishes. My motto was “Doing the dishes is boring and a waste of my time.” Then I changed my motto to “Doing the dishes is necessary and helpful to my mom, since she goes to nursing school.” Why have a negative motto about something you have to do every day? We all deserve an enjoyable life, don’t we?

Emma Rogoveanu

5th Grader

Thank you! I really appreciate how you taught us how to meet someone. I think I am going to use that handshake trick to meet new people everyday.

Sincerely, David


I learned a lot from All Things E.Q. about my I/Q and my E.Q. and how I need both. It was the best!



Thank you so much for teaching us about All Things E.Q. I learned how to have eye contact. Also we are all human and we all make mistakes and have good and bad days. Last, I learned how to greet someone nicely.



Thank you for teaching us E.Q. and for teaching me to be myself. I like that you taught me to be positive.



All Things E.Q. made our brains get bigger.


2nd Grade Student

I learned how to have a good handshake.



I learned how to take a deep breathe when I am mad.



All Things E.Q. showed us a better way of looking at life! Like how you show up, how you treat other people, and being Ambassadors! My favorite one was finding a better way of looking at things you don’t like, for example: Things like Mondays, homework, chores and siblings. Thank you for inspiring our minds.


6th Grade Student

I liked learning how to change your attitude when you are feeling down.



Thank you for everything you taught us. It was all helpful. The thing I liked the most is when we learned how to greet someone. I can use it every day in life.



I really enjoyed All Things E.Q. The thing I liked learning about is attitude because it is something you use every day.


6th Grader

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our life. (All Things E.Q.) inspires sixth grade and we will pass this knowledge onto younger students. This advice will help me in every day life. From chores to school these lessons help all of us. I now know the balance between work and play and how they both are fun! I just really appreciate your help.

Joron F

6th Grader

One thing that I will use every day is positive self-talk.



I enjoyed learning about solutions to problems and how to be helpful to the people around me.



I enjoyed learning about mottoes and handshakes. I will be using a good motto with my twin sister Ivy so I can start understanding that she is not always putting everything on my desk.



I have a proper handshake and a good attitude wherever I go. I also learned how to make chores more fun.



I really enjoyed All Things E.Q. lessons. I really enjoyed the lessons on Delayed Gratification. Today I used what, I know, I will like about today when I was going to school today. Thank you!



One thing I can do every day is to find a solution not a problem. I can try my hardest to know that both work and play are a part of my day. Now I can go about my life being an E.Q. Ambassador and help others.


6th Grader

Learn More

To learn if All Things E.Q. is a good fit for your school, contact us here:

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